Monday, February 25, 2008

It's Drivers who choke the roads

There has been considerable amount of discussions recently, on the occasion of the Nano Launch by Tata Motors, about how it will choke the roads.

I would like to share some thoughts on why actually roads gets choked.

The speed at which a car is traveling on the road depends on three factors: 1) the road and driving conditions, 2) the ability and power of the car and 3) the driving ability and skills of the driver.

Many a time, we observe vehicles going very slow on the road even though the entire road in front of them is empty and they are driving quite a powerful car. I have seen very slow moving Benz cars on a highway. This clearly indicates it's the driver who is the impediment and not the first two factors. The driver is clearly not skilled enough to exploit the driving conditions and the power of the car.

And this is the main problem even in our city roads. Drivers are simply not skilled enough to go as fast as they could and they should.

Apart from this skill, it is the attitude with which people drive. The driving should be with an attitude of "go and let go" philosophy. We should drive with a perspective of facilitating vehicles which can go fast instead of blocking just because either our vehicle is not powerful enough or we are not skilled enough to go fast. It's like a student blocking all the bright students from learning or writing the exam, just because he/she is not bright enough to understand/answer quickly.

We observe many times, a very slow vehicle, such as autos, going in the middle of the road. Neither you can over take it from right or left and thus will just go as fast as they go...inspite of have a better vehicle or better driving skills.

These are what chokes the roads. Small cars are only going to speed-up the process of having more vehicles on the road. What would have happened over a period of few decades to happen in few years.

It's the people who drive, park of the vehicles to be sensible....just don't blame the manufacturers.

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