Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rogue Countries

What is a rogue country. You get different answers based on whom you ask this question. My definition is, a country in the name of self interests destroys or trouble other countries exploiting their weaknesses is a rogue country. For centuries Great Britain was a rogue country ruling, robbing, lootingm spoiling hundreds of countries all around the world. The amount of damage they have caused to the world is unimaginable. While there could be many other countries which would gone on to the rogue side to some degree, its the US which is next major rogue country. They have probably created every single terrorist outfit in the world. And now shed 'crocadile tears' when their creation is biting back. All they want is all countries fight with each other and thus they can arm the countries to the tooth and make money. US government and the businesses only understand money and nothing else.

And ir appears China after all the sufferings they went through is now becoming the next rogue country. They are arming all the countries and fueling fights. All that US played on them they are playing back. They are going one step furthe and providing the nuclear power to all irresponsible countries either it be Pakistan or North Korea.

While India has never been and will be never be a rogue country, but it must prevent playing into these rogue nations. The government must be bold and protect its national interests. Probably that ca happen only when the rogues are not ruling. For now aplenty in the Parliament and bueracracy.

Hoping for the best.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cultural evolution thru Web 2.0

I got into LinkedIn, facebook and twitter more due to professional reasons rather than any personal motivation. But once I got into them, I started understnding their paradigms and in someway greatly benefitted. Through LinkedIn I connected back with my very old friends. Used Facebook to keep my friends on my location and what I am enjoying during my vacation. What baffled me is the concept of twitter. Such an amazing micro blogging tool that lets you know what's happening in the world on a minute by minute basis. I saw the most twitter is being used to take the articles of what people have seen over the net. Through the concept of follow, you can see whom you follow see. A great way to follow some famous personalities and their browsing behavior.

Through these links posted through twitter I read several discussions about social media and social networking and that time struck me it is much more.

First le me give my view of the culture. I see culture as set of beliefs, practices, perceptions (beliefs of which they don't understand the rationale) that shapes the way people behave in private and public. In the past different cultures evolved due to their disonnected nature of the societies. We have seen in the history how some travellers from the distance lands have come and influenced the cultures. And if one visitor from a different culture can do, imagine what can happen in a very networked and ever interacing world.

In this context I believe Web 2.0 sites, what ever paradigm they follow are going to influence the cultures to evolve and change, hopefully for the good.

It need not be only due to Web 2.0 but all sorts of media and means that is accessible to people. I conclude this with one very evident example to make my point clear.

In the recent (2009) Indian Parliament elections one has seen unprecendented results that baffled many. We have seen people and parties badly loosing who didn't factor the cultural changes that are happening. Candidates who took extreme positions, trying to façade a good image or not clean in their dealings were al defeated. Even those who were successful in their profession couldn't make it. I believe this voter behavior is nothing but that the cultural evolution that is happening. I only hope this is for the good.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wish 2009

What do we Wish ?

Do we wish for you to be unaffected from Recession?
Do we wish for you to be safe from random violence?
Do we wish for you to be not victim of senseless terrorism?
Do we wish for a miracle to save us all from crumbling earth’s eco system?

What do we Wish?

We Wish All of it and Much More…
But, why do we wish?
As we are the cause of all this
And we can change, just not wish.

Think of not just you, but the entire world
Contribute to the environ, whatever you couldf
Fight the evil, in thinking, in practice and you should
Put efforts, spread the word of good.

It’s not what you have, but what you can
It’s not what you wish, but what you do
It’s not what you know, but how you practice
It’s all about thinking of the universal well-being.

We wish in 2009

To uncover the layer of laziness
Put on the hat of a global messiah
Do whatever little, start the baby steps
A good beginning, for years of happiness, peace and prosperity.

Wishing you All A Gorgeous & Peaceful 2009